Yup. My inspiration to shoot has been at a bottom standard for some time. However due to the onset of spring this perhaps shall change. Photography is an interesting pursuit open to enormous interpretation as it is just a function of the mind and thus depends upon the state of mind and the context in which that mind is placed and open to explore.
This image was shot during February. My spark to capture things that resembles some consistency to what I do photograph has been so out of sorts. I am not an out of sorts photographer so this dry spell is sort of annoying more than anything. However one interesting thing to note is that although I am not normally an out of sorts photographer three things always tend to boost my spark to produce a higher standard of wok.
One is extreme stress due to extreme multi tasking. Another is sadness. Great sadness. And another is people. Particular people. Guess. Some of my personal extremes experienced that produced some of my better work in ages past is not about. So there is nothing to draw on at the moment except digging perhaps a lot deeper to rediscover my spark. This is tricky.
This shot was taken right next to a fence where a stables adjoins the accommodation block of the hospital I am staying on. It was just a simple case of trying to capture a sort of bokeh but a not so of bokeh if that makes any sense.
So why focus you may ask. Well there is some strong focus in this image and also I need to focus on sleep for the next seven hours. So goodnight
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