Wednesday, March 24, 2010

94 Days [See]

Right. Today something good happened. A young couple discovered today that they are going to expecting a baby. I am not a baby person but I melted away due to one emotion. The young man upon hearing the certainty that his beloved Lady is going to be expecting grabbed her hand and looked across into her tear sodden face and smiled the biggest smile I have seen in a long time. He did not merely look pleased at the prospect of becoming a father but at the deeper emotion stirring warmth that the mother of his child is the woman sat next to him who he deeply loves.

That is Cool! It brought a tear to my eye. I am no where near fatherhood and to be honest due to certain relationships been left soured. However seeing that young mans face brought certain emotions of mine right back to remembrance.

I never use Photoshop. Old fashioned high minded snobbery on my part. The above is intentional. The colour took some time but it is just similar to shooting in B&W

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